Bed and breakfast san candido un passo dal cielo


  3 Bedrooms  2 Bathrooms  6 Guests

3 Bedrooms House in Valle San Silvestro

Luxury House Un passo dal cielo San Candido 6Pers. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Airbnb House in San Candido, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy. Max Occupancy of 6 persons. Minimum nightly stay 1 night. Amenities include:

  • Bedding/linens
  • Internet
  • Kitchen
  • Parking
  • Tv

Prices and Availability

The last seen price for this House was USD $230

This property is unavailable on this site presently. Check back later.



Is this Valle San Silvestro house pet-friendly for guests?

No, pets are not allowed at this property. Check the guest reviews to learn what guests had to share.

Does the Valle San Silvestro house have a swimming pool?

No, this Valle San Silvestro house does not have a swimming pool. See details about the indoor or private swimming pool availability and other facilities.

How much does it cost per night to stay in Valle San Silvestro house?

Best-rates for the Valle San Silvestro house starts from $230 per night with includes TV, Bedding/Linens, Internet, Kitchen, Parking with all other facilities. RBO matches every traveler with their perfect accommodation, whether you are traveling with a group, friends, family, or pets.

Is Valle San Silvestro house a family-friendly place to stay?

Based on the information we have received from the owner or our partner, this is not considered to be a family-friendly property. As reported by the owner or manager, the house has not specified that children are welcome. Please see details about suitability for your family or inquire with the property to learn more.

Is the Valle San Silvestro house wheelchair accessible or offer services for disabled guests?

Based on the information received from our partner, the Valle San Silvestro house has not specified they are wheelchair accessible. Likewise, there is not an elevator specified as being available at the property. Specific accessibility details may be addressed in the property details section of this page.

What is the minimum night stay policy for the Valle San Silvestro house?

Based on the information reported by the owner or manager, the Valle San Silvestro house indicates 1 day stay policy at this house. Guests are cautioned that the minimum stay policy may differ based on seasonality or availability and may be at the discretion of the owner or manager.

What cancellation policy is in place for Valle San Silvestro house?

Based on the information reported by the owner or manager, details for the cancellation policy for the Valle San Silvestro house are as follows: Cancellation policy Guests are cautioned that the cancellation policy may differ based on seasonality, availability, or current travel restrictions. Guests should also be aware that this policy may be subject to change and should be confirmed prior to booking. More details may be available on this page in the property description. However, early check-in or late check-out can sometimes be negotiated between the guest and the owner or the manager of this property.

Places to Stay Near Valle San Silvestro

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Dettagli Pubblicato: 30 Novembre -0001

Valle di Braies Visite guidate - Visite guidate ai luoghi originali del film "Un passo dal cielo"

Bed and breakfast san candido un passo dal cielo

Visita guidata ai luoghi delle riprese originali della famosa fiction "Un passo dal cielo". Ulteriori

informazioni e prenotazioni entro le ore 16.00 del giorno precedente presso l'Ass. Turistica Valle di Braies


Associazione Turistica - Valle di Braies


entro le ore 16.00 del giorno precedente

Punto di ritrovo

presso l'Ass. Turistica Valle di Braies


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Dove si trova la baita di Un passo dal cielo 6?

Si tratta della Baita Pian de Loa, nel Parco Naturale delle Dolomiti d'Ampezzo. Si trova al termine di una pista da sci, la pista “Pian de Loa”, appunto. Il percorso di 9 chilometri che si fa d'inverno è molto suggestivo, in quanto è immerso in un paesaggio mozzafiato e si può sciare immersi nella natura.

Dove si trova la Palafitta di Un passo dal cielo?

A Braies si trova l'Hotel in riva al lago, ma anche la suggestiva palafitta sull'acqua in cui vive il protagonista, l'affascinante guardia forestale Francesco Neri, mentre altre scene della fiction si svolgono nel paesino di San Candido.

Dove si svolgono le riprese di Un passo dal cielo?

Le location della serie saranno ancora i magici panorami delle Dolomiti del Cadore: tra i più iconici troveremo le Cinque Torri, il Lago di Mosigo, San Vito di Cadore, la Faloria, il Passo Giau, il Passo Falzarego, la Valparola, Auronzo, il Lago di Misurina e molti altri.

Dove si trova la caserma di Un passo dal cielo 1?

La caserma di polizia si trova a ridosso del Lago di Mosigo a San Vito di Cadore. Localizzato a circa 12 Km da Cortina d'Ampezzo, è ideale per una breve passeggiata al tramonto.